Patient, female, 39 years old. December 27, 84 from a sense of chills, discomfort, urine yellow, loss of appetite, tired of oil. January 7 appeared sclera and skin yellow and admitted to hospital. Check: body temperature 37.4 ℃, sclera, skin, mucosa are yellow dye, liver in the right clavicular midline rib margin 2cm, soft, blunt, tenderness (+), Murphy’s sign (-), spleen not touched. Ⅱ60u, blood bilirubin 7mg%, GPT225u, blood HAAb, -IgM (+), HBsAg (+), HBcAb> 100. 13 morning, unconscious, answering questions slowly and not exactly, with mild “flapping wing Tremor. ” 7 o’clock that night lethargy, Xiangqiang, chin chest distance three horizontal