四川西部地区,森林资源丰富,既是长江中下游和三峡电站的天然绿色屏障,又是我省藏族等少数民族最集中的聚居区。由于过去对原始森林集中过伐,森林植被遭到破坏,森林涵养水源和保持水土的功能削弱,这对长江中下游,特别是三峡电站带来极为不利的影响。因此在川西地区实施防护林体系工程造林,并纳入三峡库区配套工程建设,已成为一项十分紧迫的任务。 一、加快防护林体系建设的必要性 (一)水土流失加剧,河流输沙量增大,严重影响三峡水库效能的
The western part of Sichuan has abundant forest resources, which is not only the natural green barrier of the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River and the Three Gorges hydropower station, but also the most concentrated area for ethnic minorities such as Tibetans in our province. In the past, the over-exploitation of primary forests, the destruction of forest vegetation, the erosion of water sources and the maintenance of water and soil by forests have weakened, which has a very adverse impact on the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River, especially the Three Gorges hydropower station. Therefore, it has become a very urgent task to implement afforestation of the shelterbelt system in western Sichuan, and to include the construction of ancillary works in the reservoir area of the Three Gorges. First, the need to speed up the construction of shelterbelt system (A) aggravate the soil erosion, river sediment load increases, seriously affecting the effectiveness of the Three Gorges Reservoir