据说,足球黑哨的“行规”是每场6万元,而广州吉利足球俱乐部因为差3000万黑哨钱而冲甲A失败。据说,需要给钱的裁判在整个比赛中占到百分之七十至百分之八十。而且,“全世界足球都是这个样。”人们有理由问:足球场究竟是欢乐场还是名利场?全国球迷的热情和挚爱,就这样被“非常铁”的黑哨、黑钱、黑暗给侮辱了?! 虽然“腐败调查不是发奖金”、“好叫的母鸡不下蛋”,但是,母鸡何时能下蛋呢?查“黑哨”真的就丢尽了中国足球的脸面了吗?
It is said that football black whistle “rules” is 60,000 yuan each field, and Guangzhou Geely football club because of the poor 30 million black sentinel A failed. It is said that referees who need to pay money account for 70% to 80% of the total match. And, “football is like this all over the world.” People have reason to ask: Is football field a place of fame or a place of fame? National fans’ enthusiasm and love are thus insulted to be “very iron” black whistles, black money and darkness? Although “corruption investigation is not a bonus,” “hen is not called good eggs,” but when hen can lay eggs? Check “black whistle” really lost the face of Chinese football yet?