中国是否存在过更早的人类? 旧石器时代考古工作者与古人类学工作者一样,面临着一个严峻的问题:即人类的文明到底有多久?!要回答这个问题并不是轻而易举的。因为,没有掌握足够的科学资料是无法作出正确的判断的。而这些科学资料却来源于必要的地质条件以及需要付出巨大的劳动才能获得。伴随科学技术的飞速发展,新技术的引进,早期人类化石及石器的不断发现,逐步地加深了对这一问题的认识,一些人也已经不拘于原先的一孔之见,而跟着时代的潮流改变其看法。本世纪二十年代以后,由于我国周口店北京人及其制作的工具——石器的大批出土,使人们认识到人类的文明已达五十万年之久。1959至60年,坦桑尼亚奥杜韦峡谷“东非人”、“能人”和石器的问世,将人类的文化历史向前推进到175万年。1969年,以理查德·利基为首的肯尼亚国家博物馆考察团在肯尼亚与埃塞俄比亚接壤的特卡纳湖东岸的库彼福勒地区,于一层
Is there an earlier human in China? Paleolithic archaeologists, like paleoanthropologists, have a serious question: How long does human civilization last? It is not easy to answer this question. Because, without adequate scientific information is unable to make the right judgments. However, these scientific information comes from the necessary geological conditions and the enormous labor required to obtain them. With the rapid development of science and technology, the introduction of new technologies, the continuous discovery of early human fossils and stone tools have gradually deepened our understanding of this issue. Some people have also changed their views according to the trend of the times without any preconceived ideas . After the twenties of this century, due to the mass unearths of Beijingers in Zhoukoudian and the tools made by them, stone tools, people have realized that human civilization has reached 500,000 years. From 1959 to 1960, the advent of “East Africans”, “capable people” and stone tools in the Odivevek Valley, Tanzania, propelled the cultural history of mankind to 1.75 million years. In 1969, a study tour of the National Museum of Kenya headed by Richard Niche took place on the first floor of the Kuber Fowler area on the eastern bank of Lake Tecanar in Kenya, bordering Ethiopia