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  A story is told of a farmer who owned an old mule. The mule fell into the farmer’s well. The farmer heard the mule crying, or whatever mules do when they fall into wells. After carefully assessing the situation, the farmer felt 1 for the mule, but decided that neither the mule nor the well was worth the trouble of saving. Instead, he called his neighbors together and told them 2 had happened, and encouraged them to help carry dirt to bury the old mule in the well and put him out of his misery.
  In the beginning, the old mule was extremely 3 ! But as the farmer and his neighbors continued shoveling and the dirt hit his back, a thought struck him. It suddenly dawned on him that every time a shovel load of dirt landed
  4 his back, he should shake it off and step up! This he did, blow after blow. “Shake it off and step up! Shake it off and step up. Shake it off and step up!” He 5 to encourage himself.
  No 6 how painful the blows, or hopeless the situation seemed, the mule fought panic and just kept right on shaking it off and stepping up! You’re right! It wasn’t long 7 the old mule, though almost exhausted, 8 successfully over the wall of the well.
  What seemed to bury him actually blessed him, all because of the perspective from 9 he viewed his bad fortune. That’s life. If we face our problems, recognize that they can have a positive benefit, and refuse to give into panic, bitterness, or self-pity, the bad fortunes that come along that threaten to bury us usually have 10
  them the potential to benefit and bless us!
  Choose the correct words to fill in the blanks.
  1. A. care B. love C. fancy D. sympathy
  2. A. what B. all C. that D. as
  3. A. pleased B. excited C. terrified D. satisfied
  4. A. in B. on C. above D. off
  5. A. hoped B. stopped C. repeated D. remembered
  6. A. matter B. wonder C. doubt D. fancy
  7. A. after B. before C. since D. until
  8. A. dug B. lay C. skated D. stepped
  9. A. that B. where C. which D. how
  10. A. through B. within C. over D. by
  Shoot! 快说啊!
  Make it sooner rather than later. 越快越好!
  Let’s get first things first!把重要的事先办了吧!
  My patience is running out. 我的耐心快没了。
  I can’t wait any longer. 我不能再等了。
  There isn’t a moment to lose. 一分钟都不能等了。
  Try to hurry a little bit more. 快点儿吧!
  There’s no time to waste. 没时间可浪费了。
  We’re pressed for time. 我们在赶时间。
罗桂馥肩膀上停了一只黄头绿皮、健壮英挺的虎皮鹦鹉。她一进门,“甄律师事务所”里空调吹出的冷气就让她打了个哆嗦。当她一步步摆着宽大的臀部,摇晃进事务所的VIP大房间时,愈发冰冷的空气使得她双手抱胸、口中哧哧地直喊着冷。  罗桂馥顾不上她自诩上流社会的高等身份,远远地对着端坐在房间最里头、西装笔挺的甄律师大嚷:“唉呀,冷死我了!你们事务所是把客户全当肥羊、肥猪宰吗?怎么搞得整栋楼跟冰库一样啊?”  甄
再过半年,你就要告别高中,幸福地奔向大学了!  想知道大学是怎样的吗?看过来看过来!  每所大学都有其独特的灵魂,而最能彰显学校形象和学校灵魂的莫过于校训了。现在,就让我们来品味几所大学的校训,揭开它们的神秘面纱吧!    麻省理工学院 既会动脑,也会动手  美国麻省理工学院的校训是用拉丁语写的:Mens et Manus,翻译成中文就是“既会动脑,也会动手”。作为一所闻名于世的理工科院校,它的校
★★ 难度中等  ★★★难度较高  ★★ 1. 设00且a≠1)的图象与函数y=log4 x的图象交于点P(x0,y0),如果x0>2,那么a的取值范围是  (A) 0  , (B) (0,1) (C)  ,1 (D)  ,  ★★ 10. 如图1所示,F1,F2是椭圆C1: =1与双曲线C2的公共焦点,点A是C1,C2在第一象限的公共点.若∠F1AF2=60°,则C2的离心率是  (A) (B)
1. 浙江因水而名,因水而美,因水而兴。水是生命之源,也是浙江之源。作为沿海发达地区,浙江的经济发展了,可水环境却承受着极大的压力。因此,浙江省委十三届四次全会作出了“五水共治”决策:治污水、防洪水、排涝水、保供水、抓节水,并明确提出,要以治水为突破口推进转型升级。请用比喻手法,为“五水共治”撰写一段宣传语。(不超过100字)  2. 请根据吴均《山中杂诗》中的画线句子写一个场景。要求:想象合理,
乍看不起眼的“运算”是不少同学的“弱项”,运算错误则是试卷上的“硬伤”.多年解题经验告诉我们:运算的基本要求是“算则对”,发展要求是“少算且对”,最高境界是“不算而对”.如何在“算对”的基础上“少算”甚至“不算”?且看“算对有招”之——    高考中涉及到的含参不等式或方程通常由一个“主元”和一个“参数”构成.由于解题中往往需要对参数进行分类讨论,容易出现分类混乱、遗漏等问题. 这种情况下可以尝试
分析手中批改好的数学试卷,却郁闷地发现依然有几道题目算错了,白白丢了分数——尽管我们每次考试时都决心要仔细对待,但各种各样的运算错误仍然层出不穷,让人懊悔不已.  运算错误不能仅用“粗心”来解释,这还与每个人的运算能力有关.运算能力也不仅是指能进行简单的数字运算,更是指能根据数学的概念、公式、法则,对数、式、方程进行适当变形和正确运算.要求出正确答案,审题、探索解题方向、调整解题思路固然十分重要,
Blocks fall from the sky, and all you have to do is to control how they fall and fit within each other. Since Tetris was launched in 1986, millions of hours have been lost through playing this simple
2016年开年,“高龄老婆婆酒吧献唱”的新闻一度刷爆了重庆网友的朋友圈。据了解,老婆婆名叫蔡远秀,今年75岁,此次酒吧献唱主要是给自己练练胆儿,也是陪儿子“玩票”,整个过程很开心。  蔡婆婆的儿子高峰说,之前他和弟弟在珠海做乐队,怕妈妈在家孤单,就把她接到了珠海。到大城市后,为了不让妈妈寂寞、烦恼,加之妈妈心态年轻,喜欢唱歌、跳舞,便想到让她玩乐器。于是,自己和弟弟指导妈妈学起了吉他。如今,妈妈会
自主招生考试中,立体几何问题主要考查空间线面位置关系的判定、空间角度与距离的求解、空间几何体的面积与体积的计算等. 柱体、锥体、台体、球体及其简单组合体是最基本的图形,也是研究空间问题的基本载体,同学们应注意理解和运用这些几何体的概念、性质、面积和体积公式等内容. 解决立体几何问题时,往往需要把空间问题转化为平面问题. 当然,也可以建立空间直角坐标系,利用空间向量法来解决问题.    一、空间线面
★★ 难度中等  ★★★难度较高  ★★ 1. 设x,y∈R,则“xm对任意x∈R恒成立的实数m的取值范围是  (A) (-∞,-1)(B) (-∞,-2)  (C) (-2, ∞)(D) (-1, ∞)  ★★ 6. 将字母a,a,a,b,b,b,c,c,c排成三行三列,要求每行的字母互不相同,每列的字母也互不相同,则不同的排法共有  (A) 12种(B) 18种  (C) 24种(D) 36种