科学发展 人才先行 《湖南省中长期人才发展规划纲要(2010-2020)年》解读

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确立建设人才强省的战略目标勾画人才优先发展的战略布局围绕以用为本创新人才工作体制机制突出人才队伍建设重点健全人才公共服务体系凸显重大人才项目的抓手作用未来10年,是湖南大力实施“一化三基”战略、加快发展方式转变、推进“两型社会”建设、全面建设小康社会、实现富民强省的关键时期,也是湖南人才发展的关键时期。制定并实施《湖南 Strategic Target of Establishing a Province with Strong Talents Outline the Strategic Layout of Prioritizing Talents Focusing on the Working System and Mechanism of Using Innovative Talents Highlighting the Key Talents in the Construction of a Talents Process Public Services Highlighting the Role of Major Talents Project In the next 10 years, It is also a crucial period for Hunan's talent development to implement the strategy of “one country, three bases”, speed up the transformation of development modes, promote the building of “two-oriented society”, build a moderately prosperous society in an all-round way and realize a prosperous people and a strong province. Formulate and implement "Hunan
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