一元复始,万象更新。站在这辞旧岁迎新春的交汇点上,西藏运动员回眸奋发开拓的2003年,深情展望2004年,抒发心中之语。 第七届全国民族运动会速度赛马3000米金牌获得者洛松多吉说,冠军是每个运动员的梦想,在第七届全国民运会上我终于实现了这个目标,这要感谢自治区体育主管部门及队内领导的培养和关心。夺冠后,我第一时间打电话给家人,和家人一起分享了这个喜悦,希望在今后的比赛中,我还能再给家人带来这份幸福,这份感动。
A dollar back, Vientiane update. Standing on the crossroads of old and new years welcoming the Spring Festival, Tibetan athletes reviewed their pioneering work in 2003 and showed their deep feelings in 2004, expressing the words in their hearts. Losse Dorje, the 3000m gold medalist of the 7th National People’s Games speed race, said the championship is the dream of every athlete. At the Seventh National People’s Games, I finally achieved this goal, thanks to the autonomous sports department and the team The leadership of the training and care. After winning the championship, I first called my family and shared the joy with my family. I hope I can bring this happiness to my family again in the future competitions.