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《资本论》阐述的所有制理论对我国现阶段社会主义事业具有重要的指导意义,可从以下十个主要方面去领会:(1)认识所有制的重要地位和作用,明确社会主义革命和建设的关键。(2)从所有制对剩余价值生产过程的作用,认识资本主义生产关系的基础和本质。(3)正确领会未来社会的预言,建立和完善社会主义初级阶段的基本经济制度。(4)学习所有制内部产权结构的系统剖析,探索公有制改革的途径和形式。(5)正确领会对股份公司的论述,看清资本主义私有制变迁的过渡形式。(6)了解所有制与商品交换的关系,完善中国特色社会主义市场经济。(7)认清所有制对分配的决定作用,处理好社会主义初级阶段的分配关系。(8)领会关于经济规律产生基础的阐述,认识和自觉运用社会主义初级阶段的经济规律。(9)认识所有制与社会矛盾的关系,正确处理社会主义初级阶段的社会主要矛盾及其变化。(10)将《资本论》的所有制理论作为分析社会政治经济关系的基础,正确认识中国特色社会主义的基本特点。 The ownership theory elaborated in “Capital” has important guiding significance for the present-day socialist cause in our country. It can be understood from the following ten major aspects: (1) Understanding the important status and role of ownership and clarifying the key to socialist revolution and construction . (2) From the function of ownership to the process of surplus value production, understand the foundation and essence of the capitalist relations of production. (3) Correctly understand the predictions of the future society and establish and improve the basic economic system in the initial stage of socialism. (4) To study systematically the structure of ownership of internal ownership and to explore ways and forms of public ownership reform. (5) Correctly comprehend the discussion of the stock company and see the transitional form of the capitalist private ownership. (6) Understand the relationship between ownership and commodity exchange and improve the socialist market economy with Chinese characteristics. (7) Recognize the decisive role of ownership in the distribution and handle the distribution of the primary stage of socialism. (8) To comprehend and elaborate on the basis of economic laws, and to understand and conscientiously apply the economic laws in the primary stage of socialism. (9) Understanding the relationship between ownership and social contradictions, and correctly handling the major social conflicts and their changes in the initial stage of socialism. (10) Based on the theory of ownership of “capitalism” as the basis for analyzing social, political and economic relations, we must correctly understand the basic characteristics of socialism with Chinese characteristics.
近年来,初中思品课受到了新形势的冲击,课堂教学需要从单项模式向开放互动的模式靠拢,由此改善课堂氛围,促使学生积极地投入其中,提高自身的主动性,优化学习效果。  一、教师导入,情境触动  思品课与其他课程相比较,具有一定的抽象性。为了充分调动学生的积极性,教师在课堂上就需要运用一些直观的形式来辅助教学。  1.采用直观演示法。  在思品教学中,教师可借助多媒体技术来为学生展示图片以及音像资料等,运用
2016年高考已落下帷幕,2017年高考又迫在眉睫,所谓硝烟未尽战鼓又响,为给后来者积累可以借鉴的经验,我们把一年来的备考工作经验总结如下. 一、备考思路 根据我校学生整体基