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擦擦作为佛教文化的产物,常以成千上万之数,祭供堆放于朝佛圣地、神山圣湖、名寺古刹。它以精微细腻的刻画,生动活泼的造型,质朴纯真的韵味,玲珑小巧的体貌,绝少张扬的个性特征而别具一格,并以其表格形式和内容的丰富多采自成体系。 擦擦是藏族民间美术中与玛尼石刻、风马旗经幡、酥油塑等宗教艺术争奇斗艳的姊妹艺术。 Wipe as a product of Buddhist culture, often in the tens, thousands of sacrifices for piled up in the holy sites of sacred mountains, holy mountains, temple temples. It is subtle and delicate portrayal, vivid and lively style, simple and pure charm, exquisite compact appearance, little publicity personality characteristics and unique, and its form and content of rich and diverse self-contained system. Eraser is a sister art in Tibetan folk art contested with Mani Stone Carving, Wind and Flame Flag, butter sculpture and other religious art contests.
Abstract-Intertidal zone is a significant wetland between land and ocean. It plays an important rolein maintaining local ecological balance. Both Mai Po and Fu
时钟拨回到五年前的大年夜,坐标东京,记得那晚在酒店里一边瞥着春晚,一边刷着盛世收藏刻铜论坛,彼时尚未有微信,盛世收藏论坛在收藏爱好者心中的地位如日中天,藏友们在论坛里拜年发帖,不亦乐乎。日本时间10点多,我突然收到了一条论坛短信,发信者是一位从未谋面的北京古玩商朋友,2010年我曾经问他购买过一批数百张珍贵的北京同古堂刻铜文房拓片,而这次他发的是一批镇尺的照片。  收到短信我心头一喜,因为我知道他
对于公司短视的担忧有失偏颇。即便在美国,商业也不够有活力。 Concerns about the company’s short-sighted and biased. Even in the United States, commerce is not vi
In this study, we used the Navy’s Generalized Digital Environmental Model (GDEM) climatological temperature and salinity data on a 0.5°×0.5° grid to investi
The potential market for desalination industry is forecasted in China for a long term. A co-generation policy is proposed in power production and desalination.
奉家丽是当代女性艺术创作群体中具有女性主义观念和意识的女艺术家之一。 1993年之前,她的学院期创作实践倾向于西体中用的形式适应性,追求民族的、现代的、个性的多元融合