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由“宝塔山”袜子谈起一件商品的品牌就像一个人的名字。如果一个人的名字起得含义深悠、文化味浓厚、音节响亮动听,就会给人留下美好的印象,而名字的粗俗简单、矫揉造作,则会使人不谋其面先入不良之见。同样,一件商品即便其内在品质多么超群不凡,但假如没有一个好的品名,就无法吸引这种商品的潜在消费者去关注产品本身。二十多年前中国商业根本不懂品牌策略,商品的名字十分粗糙。西安有家袜子厂生产的袜子,品名多达百余个,其中笔者就曾穿过一双名曰“宝塔山”的袜子。如今想来,将“宝塔山”踩在脚下,往小里说脚不舒服,往大处说则是对革命圣地的极大亵渎。多亏当年笔者少不更事,思想觉悟较低,不然打个小报告上去,那位将袜子命名为“宝塔山”的伙计会吃不了兜着走的。在当今改革开放的时代里,商品品牌即便有这样拙劣的命名也不会有上纲上线的政治麻烦。但是类似不重视品牌艺术的低级商业行为,却会让厂商在残酷的市场竞争中败下阵来,使厂商在经济利益上遭受巨大损失。所以,作为任何 The brand that talks about a product from “Baota Mountain” socks is like a person’s name. If a person’s name has a profound meaning, a strong cultural flavor, syllable loud and clear, it will give a good impression, while the name of the vulgar simple, artificial make, it will make people ignore the premise. Similarly, a product, even if its intrinsic quality is extraordinary, but without a good name, you can not attract potential consumers of such products to focus on the product itself. Twenty years ago, Chinese business did not understand the brand strategy, the name of the goods is very rough. Xi’an socks factory production socks, as many as a hundred names, of which I have crossed a pair of nicknames, “Baota Mountain” socks. Now want to come, “Pagoda Hill ” step on the foot, to the small to say uncomfortable, to the big deal is a great desecration of the Holy Land of revolution. Thanks to the fact that the author seldom did anything wrong, his ideology was low, or he would make a small report. The man who named his sock “Baota Mountain” could not eat it. In today’s era of reform and opening up, commodity brands, even with such a poor nomenclature, have no political troubles. However, similar low-level business practices that do not attach importance to the art of the brand will allow manufacturers to defeat the brutal competition in the market and make the manufacturers suffer huge losses in economic interests. So, as anything
We present ultrasound, computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging findings in a case with pancreatic solid pseudopapillary tumor and their correlations
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我在外漂泊多年.和母亲聚少离多,同母亲的沟通仅限于电话联系。十几年前,我初到人生地不熟的沿海城市打工,那种在异乡寂寞孤单的感觉让我多了许多乡愁。  每每到发工资寄钱回家时.我总是少不了打电话问候母亲。那时家里没有电话,村中只有一家小店里装有电话,每次打电话我总是对店老板说不少的好话.他才会叫我母亲来接电话。尽管我有许多话想和母亲说,可母亲总是先挂断电话,说:“傻儿子,你不用担心我的身体,我好得很,
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