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据有关资料统计,自1949年国民党政府逃到台湾后,50多年来,美国政府为夯实历届台湾当局与大陆对抗的资本,从未间断过对台湾当局武器装备的“即时”供应。而到了20世纪90年代,这种“按需供应”更加变本加厉、肆无忌惮。中美建交后的22年间,美国向台湾出售高性能武器装备的军备交易达47宗, 价值400多亿美元。统计表明,50年来,台湾采购武器装备的95%来自美国。也正是在美国的所谓“平衡地区稳定”政策的撑腰打气下,台湾当局分裂祖国的胆子变得越来越大,“底气”也越来越足。可以说,几十年来,美国在对台军售问题上不断玩弄着色彩鲜明 According to statistics, since the Kuomintang government fled to Taiwan in 1949, for more than 50 years, the U.S. government has never ceased the “immediate” supply of weapons and equipment to the Taiwan authorities in order to consolidate the capital confronted by the Taiwan authorities and the mainland. By the 1990s, this “supply on demand” was even more rampant and unscrupulous. In the 22 years after the establishment of diplomatic relations between the United States and China, the United States has sold 47 arms deals worth more than 40 billion U.S. dollars to Taiwan for selling high-performance weapons and armaments. Statistics show that in the past 50 years Taiwan has purchased 95% of its weapons and equipment from the United States. It is also exactly under the support of the so-called “balanced regional stability” policy of the United States that the Taiwan authorities have become more and more courageous in splitting the motherland and their “clout” has become more and more adequate. It can be said that over the past decades, the United States has kept playing with the bright colors on the issue of arms sales to Taiwan
2月22日,新加坡和美国国防部签署合作意向书,参与F-35联合攻击型战斗机(JSF)的研制计划。这份意向书是由新加坡内阁成员、国防部长Peter Ho与美国国防部主管采办、技术与后勤
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