志恒并各位副局长: 报告我已看过。我省电子工业发展形势很好,取得了显著成绩,为促进我省经济发展、推动传统产业改造、经济结构战略性调整,起到强大的推动作用。现在电子信息产业在经济和社会发展中的地位越来越被社会各个方面所重视,电子信息产业的日新月异的发展,也在
Zhiheng and you Deputy Secretary: I have seen the report. The development of electronic industry in our province is in good condition and remarkable achievements have been made. This has played a powerful role in promoting the economic development of our province and promoting the strategic readjustment of the traditional industries and the economic structure. At present, the status of the electronic information industry in the economic and social development is paid more and more attention by all sectors of society. The rapid development of the electronic information industry is also under way.