编辑同志: 我矿凿岩工人在生产实践中创造的用黄干油代替机械油作凿岩机润滑油的经验,经沈阳风动工具厂矿山服务队广泛传播推广,冶金工业部有色司发文向全国有色金属矿山推荐,《有色金属》矿山部分1977年第4期也作了报道,有不少兄弟单位来信询问使用情况和方法。我们的经验很不成熟,但为了交流经验,相互学习,共同提高,特把情况简单汇报如下,仅供参考。更希望兄弟单位向我们传经送宝。
Editorial comrades: mine miners in production practice to create a yellow dry oil instead of mechanical oil for rock drill lubricating oil experience, Shenyang Fengdonggongju mining service team widely disseminated, the Ministry of Metallurgical Industry sent a letter to the Department of Nonferrous Metals Metal mines recommended, “Nonferrous Metals” mines section No. 4, 1977 also made a report, there are many brothers unit letter asked about the use and methods. Our experience is immature. However, in order to exchange experiences, learn from each other and improve together, the situation should be briefly reported as follows for reference only. I also hope that the fraternal units will pass on our gifts to us.