
来源 :上海海洋大学学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:aaboo
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根据2012年11月和2013年2、5、8月对福建三沙湾盐田港养殖海域进行4个季节调查获得的pH、总碱度(TA)、表层水温、盐度、溶氧和溶解无机碳(DIC)以及叶绿素a等基础数据,估算该区域表层海水溶解无机碳体系各分量的浓度、pCO_2和海-气界面CO_2交换通量,并对影响因素进行分析。结果表明,盐田港表层海水4个季节的DIC、HCO_3~-、CO_3~(2-)和CO_2浓度分别为955~1 957.08、905.08~1 848.13、10.14~124.78和11.48~39.78μmol/L,不同季节之间差异极显著(P<0.01)。盐田港表层海水中的pCO_2在一年中的变化范围为391.27~1 200.49μatm,海-气界面CO_2交换通量全年的范围为0.25~6.93μmol/(m~2·d),表现为大气CO_2的弱源。盐田港海-气界面CO_2交换通量不同季节的差异极显著(P<0.01),在不同站位之间的差异显著(P<0.05)。秋、春季的碳通量最高,夏季碳通量最低,冬季显著低于秋季,但与春季差异不显著。分析表明,水文要素和生物要素等是影响盐田港表层海水中p CO_2和海-气界面CO_2交换通量的重要生态因子,其中,大型海藻的栽培活动有利于该养殖海域对大气CO_2的吸收。 According to four seasons survey conducted in November, 2013 and February, August and August 2013, the pH, total alkalinity (TA), surface water temperature, salinity, dissolved oxygen and dissolved inorganic Carbon (DIC) and chlorophyll a were used to estimate the concentration of dissolved carbon in the surface seawater, CO 2 fluxes between pCO_2 and the sea-air interface, and the influencing factors were analyzed. The results showed that the concentrations of DIC, HCO_3 ~ -, CO_3 ~ (2-) and CO_2 in the surface seawater of Yantian Port were 955-1957.08,905.08 ~ 1848.13,10.14 ~ 124.78 and 11.48 ~ 39.78μmol / L, respectively, The difference between seasons was significant (P <0.01). The variation of pCO_2 in surface seawater of Yantian Port during the year ranged from 391.27 to 1 200.49 μatm, and the flux of CO_2 exchange between the sea-atmosphere interface was 0.25-6.93μmol / (m 2 · d) Weak source of CO_2. There was significant difference (P <0.01) in CO 2 exchange flux of Yantian sea-air interface in different seasons, with significant difference (P <0.05) between different stations. In autumn and spring, the carbon flux was the highest, the carbon flux was the lowest in summer, significantly lower in winter than in autumn, but not significantly different from that in spring. The analysis shows that hydrological factors and biological elements are important ecological factors that affect the CO_2 exchange flux between p CO_2 and the sea-atmosphere interface in the surface seawater of Yantian Port. The cultivation of large-scale seaweed is beneficial to the absorption of atmospheric CO_2 in this area.
雷锋纪念日到来前夕,全国各地掀起学雷锋热潮。从首都北京到塞外边疆,从党政机关干部到普通群众,从大学学子到部队官兵,都纷纷投身到学雷锋活动中来。  雷锋,一个年仅22岁的普通解放军战士,在离去整整半个世纪后,他的名字仍然为人们所熟知和广为传颂。是什么力量,让这个年轻士兵的传奇,历经一个国家波澜壮阔的岁月转换,写下新中国半个世纪的精神年轮?又是什么理由,会让我们今天的时代,依然需要他精神的光耀与弘扬,
班主任工作纷繁而复杂,作为小学低年级老师,对此更是感触颇深。尤其是刚当班主任时,从早到晚忙忙碌碌,却总也找不到重点,还总觉得班里纪律散、卫生差,学生缺乏责任意识。在工作过程中,我一直在不断探索,不断总结,努力寻找着治班良方。    解药一:明确分工,培养责任意识    作为低年级班主任,我常常很羡慕高年级的老师,因为高年级的学生往往能帮老师分担很多日常的管理工作。  刚开始当班主任时,我总觉得孩子