伟大的中华人民共和国走过了辉煌的50年。新中国的50华诞,举国欢腾,举世瞩目。“这是全国各族人民的盛大节日,也是检阅我们成就和力量的庄严典礼。” 新中国50年大庆的报道,同样既是对新闻工作者“成就和力量”的检阅,又是对我们的一次新的洗礼。全国各新闻机构投入了前所未有的力量,进行了超乎寻常的准备,其组织严密程度、措施落实细致程度都创下了新的纪录;广大新闻工作者以饱满的热情、全副的精力,发挥出了聪明才智和专业水准;50年大庆报道异彩纷呈,庆典当天的报道举国瞩目,报道效果与水平又迈上了新的台阶。这一切都可以充分
The great People’s Republic of China has experienced a brilliant 50 years. The 50th anniversary of New China, the whole country jubilant, attracts worldwide attention. “This is a grand festival for the people of all ethnic groups across the country and a solemn ceremony for reviewing our achievements and strength.” The report of 50 years of new China is also a review of journalists’ “achievements and strength” New baptism All news agencies in the country have invested an unprecedented amount of strength and made extraordinary preparations. Their strict organization and the detailed implementation of measures have set new records. The majority of journalists have shown their full enthusiasm and full energy Intelligence and professionalism; brilliant 50-year reports colorful, the day the celebration of national attention, reported the results and level has reached a new level. All this can be full