
来源 :初中生之友 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lichunhui128
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一、单项填空题的考查目标单项填空,主要考查考生的语法知识和运用语法知识的能力,以及对词语和词语搭配、习惯用语等的正确理解能力。试题突出语言的实践性和应用性。从设计的角度看,这部分考查的重点不是语法结构和词汇记忆,而是把语法和词汇知识的测试放在适当的情景中,强调了语言知识的实 First, the single fill in the blank test objectives Single fill in the blank, the main test candidates examine the grammar knowledge and the ability to use grammar knowledge, as well as the words and phrases with the correct understanding of idioms and other abilities. The questions highlight the practicality and applicability of language. From the design point of view, this part of the test focus is not grammatical structure and vocabulary memory, but the grammar and vocabulary knowledge testing in the appropriate scenarios, emphasizing the reality of language knowledge
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