前言为了提高产品质量,自制了一台外纵缝多向龙门架自动焊装置。该装置具有下列特点: 1、当机架导轨与简体轴线偶有偏斜时,焊工便能立即发现并及时校正。 2、采用链轮式电动升降机构,适用不同大小直径筒体的外纵缝焊接,操作轻便、灵活。 3、保证升降平稳,始终保持简体两端与导电咀的距离相等. 4、采用三把折叠式标尺辅助找正,避免了焊缝弯曲与错位等缺陷。
Preface In order to improve product quality, made a self-longitudinal seam multi-directional gantry automatic welding device. The device has the following characteristics: 1, when the rack rail and the axis of the occasionally skewed, the welder can immediately find and promptly corrected. 2, the use of chain wheel electric lifting mechanism for different sizes of the outer diameter of the cylinder barrel welding, light and flexible operation. 3, to ensure a smooth rise and fall, and always keep the distance between both ends of the conductor and the conductive nozzle equal. 4, using three folding ruler to help find positive, to avoid the weld bending and dislocation defects.