Study on Translation Teaching from the Perspective of Skopos Theory

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  【Abstract】Through introducing the basic theories of the research,in which the distinction between translation teaching and teaching translation,the brief introduction to skopos theory and its influence on translation teaching are explained,this paper aims to probe into the translation teaching under Skopos theory,attempting to find out the effective patterns of translation teaching.
  【Key words】translation teaching; Skopos theory
  As the vital link between different people holding different culture from different countries,translation plays a significant role in such fields as international exchanges,information delivery and sharing science and technology.Translation is not only the interchange between different languages but also touches upon many other aspects such as language knowledge,cultural difference,the way of thinking and one’s own experience.
  Translation teaching counts for too much in China’s higher education system,and undertakes the heavy responsibilities of fostering high-qualified translation talents.The dominant task of translation teaching is developing students’ ability in translating so as to meet the need of human resource market in the modern society.Many scholars think that students’ foreign language proficiency is interrelated with the constructing of teaching models from teachers and thereby many new challenges and opportunities are brought to the translation in college English teaching.Under this situation,how to conduct the translation teaching becomes a crucial issue that needs urgent solution.
  II.Translation Teaching and Teaching Translation
  To conduct the in-depth study on translation teaching,it is necessary to know the differences between teaching translation and translation teaching.Zhang Zhuo(2005)quoted the statement from Ladmiral who gives the elaboration on the distinction between“academic translation”and “real translation”: “He thinks that translation as a pedagogical exercise should be distinguished from what might be called real-life translation,which is its own end-purpose.”From the saying,we can see that translation as a pedagogical exercise means“teaching translation” and real-life translation represents“translation teaching”.
  The distinction between translation teaching and teaching translation was put forward originally by Jean Delisle who is a famous Canadian translator.He thinks that teaching translation is one of ways for learning languages and making good use of the languages.It is a teaching device of foreign language teaching and it has no purpose itself while the translation teaching takes different purpose.To train the learners to master the translation techniques and theories through lots of practices is the purpose of translation teaching while the teaching translation is to improve learner’s language proficiency.
  III.Skopos Theory and Translation Teaching
  3.1 Introduction to Skopos Theory
  Skopos theory is an approach to translation which was developed in Germany in the late 1970s(Vermeer,1978).According to the theory,translation is regarded not as the process of transcoding,but as a specific form of translation.Generally,it is considered that translation has a purpose in the action.The word“Skopos”is from Greek and is used as the technical term for the purpose of the translation.
  In the Skopos theory,skopos rule,coherence rule and fidelity rule are the three main rules.According to Reiss and Vermeer(1989),the most important rule is the skopos rule which means that every translation action is determined by its skopos.It should be the intended purpose of the target text which determines the translation methods and strategies.As for coherence rule,it stipulates that the target text should be coherent to make the intended users to fully understand it.So in translation the background knowledge and contextual information are important to produce the result.In terms of fidelity rule,it stresses on the inter-textual coherence between target text and source text.
  Translation can be seen as the production of a functionally appropriate target text which is based on the source target.The purpose of translation specifies the relationship between the target and source text.In the process of translation,the translator would decide the role of a source text in the human action.Among these influencing factors,the precisely specified skopos is the decisive one and the source text can be seen as one part of the translation task in the whole translation action taken by the translator.In other words,the translator’s action should match the skopos which should be decided separately in each definite case.What’ more,the specific point of translation must be in translators’ mind,and the translator should know that any given purpose is only one among many possible purposes.What is important is that there is no source text which has only one correct or preferable translation product(Vermeer,1989a; 182).
  3.2 Skopos Theory for Translation Teaching
  In translation teaching,some methodological principles can be found in the real teaching conducting.So,it is necessary to know the function of translation teaching to look for the solution to the problems existing in translation teaching.Through understanding the theoretical support,the translation teaching can be guided.   Translation can be regarded as a communicative act from the perspective of functional approaches to translation.According to Schaffner(1998),translation is conceived“as a process of intercultural communication,whose end product is a text which is functionally appropriate in specific situations and context”.As one of the theories of functionalism,skopos theory is helpful to improve translation teaching.Functionalism accounts for how translators take a certain translation process and make translation decision.The guideline is to use the intended communicative function of the target.According to Colina(2003),in the functionalism way,translators need to account for the function or situational context of the target text to get the end product.The basis of Vermeer’ skopos theory is from the principles of translational action theory.Skopostheorists think that any action has an aim or a purpose,so from this point of view,they assert that translation should be viewed as a form of human action which possesses its own aim depending on the translator,the target culture and the target readers.Vermeer(2000)states that the skopos of a translation is the aim or purpose decided by the commission or the translators.The commission should be the instruction to conduct a given action or task.In translation action,the source text information should be given “by selecting those features which most closely correspond to the requirements of the target situation”.(Shuttleworth
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【Abstract】The introduction and development of schema models plays a significant role in second language reading.It has a profound impact on the field.Of course,schema approach has its own aspects that
中国改革开放以来,中国的国际地位不断提升,英语成为了与世界交流的工具。高中英语教学也不断的适应变化,做出了多方面的改革。本文结合自己多年的工作经验,着重对基于英美文化的高中英语教学模式进行简要分析。  一、激发学生学习英语的能力  兴趣是学习新鲜事物的动力,有了兴趣,学生们才能全身心的投入到英语学习中,获得更过的英语技能。例如,现在很多高中男生喜欢打篮球,教师可以根据学生的这一爱好,讲解美国NBA
摘 要:阅读教学是小学英语教学中的重头戏,而上好一节阅读课的关键就是如何导入课程,阅读教学的导入方法有很多,尤其对于小学阶段的学生来说,导入的方法非常重要。教师需要考虑到学生的年龄特点和已有知识,有针对性地设计丰富多彩的教学导入活动,启迪学生思维,鼓励学生求知,如:话题导入、游戏导入、情景导入、直观导入、故事导入等等,通过动口、动手、动脑,能够集中学生的注意力,激发其学习兴趣,从而为一节课开一个好
【摘要】软新闻用其灵活的视角,精致的语言来实现交际功能。软新闻的翻译策略种类繁多,灵活多变。本文试从宏观和微观两个角度来阐述软新闻的翻译策略。  【关键词】软新闻 策略 宏观 微观  软新闻,重在强调感情色彩丰富,人情味浓厚的社会新闻。软新闻本身无关乎别人的切身利益,时间紧迫性相对不强。本文以刊登在中新网上的一篇中文报道和中国日报上的英文报道为例,来进一步说明软新闻的翻译策略。  源文本:①  哈
奥地利有个偏远古镇,公元前5千纪,便有凯尔特人在那儿落户。虽偏远,这个坐落于山水间,名叫哈尔施塔特的狭长地带,却并不与世隔绝。它富盐矿,因盐而名,因盐而富。由上万根树干掏空制成,长达40公里的古老卤水管道,是世上一大奇观。公元前800年至公元前400年间,盐商贸和盐文化使哈尔施塔特盛极一时,形成“哈尔施塔特文化”。哈尔施塔特从此闻名遐迩,惊艳全欧。  然而,今日哈尔施塔特的名气,还是出乎笔者意料。
欧洲是世界上最负盛名的图书馆发源地之一,也是众多文豪的故乡。这里的文学博物馆藏品丰富,文化活动多姿多彩。欧洲大陆的文学历史源远流长,蕴含着深厚的文化内涵,特别是首都城市,促进了欧洲文学几个世纪以来的繁荣发展。  本文将带你走进欧洲的十个城市,它们在文学史上均有着突出的地位,对文学发展产生过深远的影响,至今仍给予作家源源不断的灵感。阿姆斯特丹,荷兰Amsterdam, The Netherlands
【摘要】一个有效的小学英语课堂必然离不开有效的语篇教学;而一个有效的语篇教学不然离不开词汇和句型。成功的语篇教学应当发展学生的能动性,在具体语境中把单词融入句型中教学,由点到面,展现给学生完整的语言概念。让学生在老师的感知和引导下,逐步理解和应用所学语言,使课堂教学最优化。  【关键词】语篇教学 词汇句型教学 语篇完整性  牛津小学英语根据语篇教学模式被分成了三块:A版块语篇教学,BCD版块词汇、
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