“驱逐舰”是个舶来名称,起源于英国。世界上最早的驱逐舰是英国1893年建造的“哈沃克”号和“霍内特”号。目前,有28个国家和地区拥有驱逐舰400艘左右。 驱逐舰从诞生之日起,由于排水量适中、通用性强、可携带多架直升机、空中预警和反潜能力较强等特殊优势,是海军编队中突击力量较强的舰种。因此,无论在近海还是在大洋,无论在战争时期还是相对和平时期,在各国海军中,它都有着重要的地位。新中国驱逐舰伴随着新中国海军的发展而由小到大,由弱变强。如今,游弋于万里海疆的中国驱逐舰,铸起了一道坚固的海上长城。
“Destroyer” is a name that comes from the United Kingdom. The earliest destroyers in the world were the “Hawor” and the “Hornet” built in England in 1893. At present, there are about 28 destroyer ships in 28 countries and regions. Destroyers from the date of birth, due to moderate displacement, versatility, can carry multiple helicopters, airborne early warning and strong anti-submarine capabilities and other special advantages, the naval formation of strong assault ships. Therefore, no matter in the near-sea or in the oceans, it has an important position in naval forces of all countries, both in times of war and in relatively peaceful times. With the development of the new Chinese navy, the new Chinese destroyers from small to large, from weak to strong. Today, the Chinese destroyer cruising in the vast seas creates a solid maritime wall.