295年的大清王朝,上万位臣子命运沉浮。陈廷敬,一个汉族人,如何在20岁入翰林,40年为帝师,一生经历28 次升迁,曾任户部、吏部、工部、刑部四部尚书,编修《康熙字典》,行走南书房,官拜文渊阁大学士,成为清朝核心统治机构的重要人物?他有什么样的为官之道?他有什么样的性格特点? 拂去历史的烟尘,分析陈廷敬的人生轨迹,走进一个辅弼良臣的精神世界,了解一段君臣知遇的千古佳话。
In the 295 years of the Qing Dynasty, the fate of thousands of courtiers ups and downs. Chen Tingjing, a Han nationality, at the age of 20 into the Hanlin, 40 years as Dishi, his life experience 28 promotion, served as the Ministry of the Ministry, the Ministry of Industry and Ministry of Punishments four books, editing “Kangxi Dictionary”, walking South study, Officer worship Wenyuan GeBachelor, became the Qing Dynasty’s core ruling body important figure? What kind of official way for him? What kind of character does he have? Stroll the dust of history, analysis of Chen Tingjing’s life trajectory, into a Auxiliary Benshen spiritual world, to understand a section of the eternal story of the eternal encounter.