Zhou Jielun plans to make a school film 等6则

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  Zhou Jielun plans
  to make a school film
  Zhou Jielun(周杰伦), who has long been wanting to be a director, has decided to invest 10 million to make a school film whose title is “The secret that can’t be told to you”(《不能告诉你的秘密》). In the film Zhou Jielun himself will work as the playwright, director and hero. It’s said that Zhou spent so much money on the film not only in memory of his first love but also as a symbol of the 10th anniversary of his departure from school.
  Xie Tingfeng narrowly escaped
  being run over by a bus
  While filming a scene of jumping from a truck, Xie Tingfeng(谢霆锋) narrowly escaped being run over by a bus. The scene was so dangerous and adventurous that it attracted a large crowd of people, some of whom even shot(摄下) it with their mobile phones and sent it onto the Internet.
  After seeing the short “film” on the Internet, Xie Tingfeng’s agent said that she was very worried about him and that she wouldn’t let him do so again. Xie Tingfeng didn’t tell his wife about it in order not to cause her to worry. Xie Tingfeng said, “I did so not to show how brave I was, but to do something for the development of Hong Kong’s action films.
  Zhou Xingchi lives a simple life
  It’s reported in some Hong Kong newspapers that Zhou Xingchi’s(周星驰) property(财产) has reached 1.5 billion and now he is living a luxurious life. But Zhou Xingchi’s mother denied(否认) it and said, “He often wears those few sports clothes. I really can’t see how rich he is. In fact he is not a person who pursues(追求) enjoyment and only likes the meals I cook.”
  According to the photos in the newspapers, we find that Zhou Xingchi really often wears the same grey sports suit, whether when he goes to parties or when he dates with his girlfriend, which is in sharp contrast(对照) to those stars whose clothes are worn only once.
  “Journey to the West” will be remade
  Zhang Jizhong(张纪中), who is preparing to remake the film “Journey to the West”(《西游记》), says that the first edition of “Journey to the West”, directed by Yang Jie(杨洁), lacks imagination and that its techniques are too limited, so he wants to make a better “Journey to the West”. For most Chinese people, this is a very good idea, and the first edition really has some shortcomings. But we must admit there is no imagination that is beyond the times. In fact, the first edition was already quite advanced in the eighties of the 20th century.
  People expect Zhang Jizhong to distinguish(区分) technical imagination from artistic imagination and not to put all the hope on technical imagination. It is not quite possible to make such a long TV serial (in 55 parts) just on technical imagination. What is most important is to work hard on human feelings and human relationship.
  Supergirls had great success in Hong Kong
  Not long ago, a group of supergirls including Li Yuchun, Shang Wenjie, Tan Weiwei, Xu Fei, Li Na, Han Zhenzhen went to Hong Kong and held a concert in the Elizabeth Gymnasium. The concert was so successful that it not only attracted the fans of Hong Kong but also attracted fans from Shengzhen, Guangzhou, Chendu and some even farther places. All the fans went to the concert early so as to get a good position. They put up large photos of the supergirls they admire and let out screams for their idols(偶像). Of all the supergirls Li Yuchun was the most popular?
  The concert ended in a chorus(大合唱) with great success, which once again proved the great charm and fascination(魅力) of these supergirls, and it was also considered a symbolic(标志性的) event for inland singers to enter the music world of Hong Kong.
  Han Han—Internet Hero of 2006
  There has been quite some discussion since Han Han(韩寒) said “the literary world is a so-and-so”. Just as an advertising slogan says “All things are possible”. Just because of some of his remarks in his Blog, Han Han has become the “Internet Hero” of 2006, which is more remarkable than his novel “A City Pond”(《一座城池》)that has already sold 600 thousand copies. But it’s said Han Han felt he has spent too much time and energy on his Blog and that will perhaps waste his materials for his novels.
  The only connection of Han Han’s Blog is with Xu Jinglei’s(徐静蕾) Blog. Han Han says that he once wrote a comment on the film “The Promise”(《无极》),which was supported by an article written by “Xu Jinglei”. At first he thought it was just a cheat’s false name, but to his surprise, he found the article was really written by the real famous star Xu Jinglei.
  【注】英语中的 so-and-so 有两层意思。一是表示没有名字的或不确定的某人或某事,相当于汉语的“某某”“某人”,如:Let’s suppose a Mr So-and-so registers at the hotel. 我们假设有个某某先生来旅馆登记。二是用于代替骂人的话,如:She’s an old so-and-so. 她是一个老××。本文中的 the literary world is a so-and-so 为意译,韩寒的原话是“文坛是个屁”。(编辑 周贞雄 蓝 忆)
回乡风情  中华回乡文化园—南关清真寺—纳家户清真寺—同心清真大寺  在历史悠久的回乡名镇纳家户村,能看到我国目前唯一的以回族文化为主题的园区——中华回乡文化园,伊斯兰风情的特色建筑与特色文物陈列,可以全方位满足对回族文化的好奇。  南关清真寺是宁夏最大的清真寺之一,是游走银川不可错过的标志性建筑。它位于城区,交通方便,周五很多人会来做礼拜,场面蔚为壮观。纳家户清真寺和同心清真大寺都是传统的中古式
从幼稚园开始,手工制作课就是滋生我自卑情绪的土壤。  别人翻飞的指尖下,小猫小狗栩栩如生,而我却躲在角落里跟制作材料打架,使出的劲儿能牵回九牛二虎,就是不能把它们摆平……  我无数次伤心地问妈妈为什么,妈妈的回答总让我信心倍增:“每个人的能力都是不一样的,这方面差,在另一方面总会得到补偿。大发明家爱迪生小时候的手工制作也很糟糕,甚至被称为笨孩子,可这一点也不影响他成为发明家。”是啊,我也有许多别人
大同人最深的乡愁  2018年冬天我第一次到大同,在华严寺赏完美景,在当地人的推荐下去了大同“紫泥369粗粮季”,点了黄米凉糕、酸菜茹条扒莜面、鲜花椒生炒鸡、风情手擀粉和黄馍馍,逐一品尝下来,颠覆了我对晋菜只有面食、口味偏咸的固有印象。  此次再访大同,我从一碗刀削面开始,找到了更多打开大同美食的正确方式。  许忆在《旧时光的味道》里说:“美食,是人最深的乡愁。一个人长大后,总有些滋味,只能停留在
一、时态的变化    直接引语变为间接引语时,若主句为过去时态,变为间接引语的宾语从句通常要将时态往后推一个,即一般现在时变为一般过去时,一般将来时变为过去将来时,现在进行时变为过去进行时,现在完成时变为过去完成时,一般过去时也变为过去完成时,等等(若直接引语为过去完成时,变为间接引语可以不变)。另外,若直接引语中有情态动词can/may等,应变成过去式could/might等(情态动词must可
the fact 的本义是“事实”,如:  The fact is that he doesn’t really try. 事实是他没有做真正的努力。  He felt it his duty to mention the fact to her. 他感到有责任向她提及此事。  If he had known the facts, he could have told us what to do.
一、利用干扰时态考查一般现在时或一般过去时    当命题者想针对一般现在时或一般过去时这样的简单时态设题时,他们通常都会同时设置一个其他的干扰时态,以引开考生的视线。此时,考生千万不要受干扰时态的影响而步入命题人的陷阱。如:  1. Months ago we sailed ten thousand miles across the open sea, which _____ the Pacifi
人和人都是不一样的,当你认识到自己的最大优点就是和别人的不同时,你才会拥有最完全的自信。我们要的是野生植物,不要园林植物。所谓的“哈佛女孩”是人们神化哈佛的一个盲目的标签,把成才公式化是对教育的最大侮辱。  ——针对外界炒作“哈佛女孩”这一现象,提前被哈佛大学录取的复旦大学附中高三女孩汤玫捷如是说。(宁夏高海燕荐)    梦想是鸡蛋,如不及时孵化,就会腐败变臭。  ——不要因懒惰而使梦想破灭(江苏
纪实大师的视角  美国摄影大师玛丽·埃伦·马克(Mary Ellen Mark,1940-2015)出生于费城郊区的埃尔金斯公园(Elkins Park)。她早期在好莱坞从事剧照摄影,但引起公众共鸣的是她的纪实摄影作品,拍摄内容包括妓女、吸毒者、精神病患者和无家可归者的肖像照片。她在印度拍摄过妓女和马戏团,在俄亥俄州拍摄过精神病患者,在西雅图拍摄过离家出走的青少年,在加利福尼亚州的北好莱坞拍摄过住