从1994年下半年开始,河南省为解决国有企业和集体企业经济效益滑坡,连年大面积亏损的问题,在一些企业(大多是中小企业)中推广由职工民主选择经营者,依靠职工群众生产自救的经验,取得显著的效果,许多已经或濒临停产的企业“起死回生”,走向振兴。截至1995年底,401家亏损企业中,已经扭亏或扭亏有望的达到83.5%。(1996年4月23日《人民日报》) 例如郑州瓷厂。这是一个1958年创办的国有企业,现有2000名职工,原是河南省陶瓷出口创汇大户。近年来由于经营管理不善,产品不适应市场需求,加上原材料价格上涨,连年巨额亏损。至1994年6月,累计亏损
From the second half of 1994, Henan Province, in order to solve the problem of the decline in the economic efficiency of state-owned and collective enterprises, and the large-scale loss year after year, in some enterprises (mostly small and medium-sized enterprises), it has promoted the democratic selection of operators by workers and workers, relying on the masses to produce and save themselves. The experience has achieved remarkable results. Many companies that are already on the verge of being shut down have “returned to life” and are moving toward revitalization. By the end of 1995, among the 401 loss-making enterprises, it had already turned losses or turned losses to 83.5%. (People’s Daily, April 23, 1996) For example, Zhengzhou Porcelain Factory. This is a state-owned enterprise founded in 1958. It has 2,000 employees and was originally a large foreign exchange earner in Henan Province. In recent years, due to poor management and management, products have not adapted to market demand, coupled with rising raw material prices, have suffered huge losses in recent years. As of June 1994, accumulated losses