“健身蜜”由三花蜜加山楂、黄芪、枸杞、肉苁蓉、当归等 11种天然植物经科学加工而成。为研究其在提高人们免疫功能方面的作用 ,本次试验进行了3项免疫功能的实验 ,为产品的免疫调节功能提供了科学依据。1 实验材料1 1 样品 健身蜜由西安咏真药业有限公司提供 ,呈深棕色膏
“Massage for fitness” is made of Sanhua honey plus 11 kinds of natural plants such as hawthorn, astragalus, coriander, Cistanche, and angelica. In order to study its role in improving people’s immune function, this experiment carried out three experiments of immune function and provided scientific basis for the product’s immune regulation function. 1 Experimental Materials 1 1 Sample Fitness Honey provided by Xi’an Yuzheng Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.