
来源 :解放军预防医学杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sjk29001431
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为了解军校学员结核感染情况,采用流行病学调查,结核菌素试验及X线检查方法,对某军校1447名学员进行了调查。结果显示,PPD阳性率(+,++)58.8%(851/1447),结核感染率51.1%(498/955)。学员中农村户口占73.2%(1059/1447);农村户口者PPD阳性率53.2%(563/1059),城镇户口者为66.5%(258/388),二者差异高度显著(P<0.01)。来自不同地区学员PPD阳性率由高到低为:东北>华东>华南>华北>西南>西北,它们之间差异多较显著,东北学员居首,占79.2%(183/231),入校第1学年时PPD阳性率为50.5%(274/543),与第2学年60.1%(322/536),第3学年60.9%(173/284)差异高度显著,第2、3学年之间无差异。结果提示,学员在第一学年自然感染率最高,结核病的防治工作应重点放在第1学年。 In order to understand the tuberculosis infection among cadets, epidemiological survey, tuberculin test and X-ray examination were used to investigate 1,447 students in a military academy. The results showed that the positive rate of PPD (+, ++) was 58.8% (851/1447), and the infection rate of tuberculosis was 51.1% (498/955). Among the trainees, 73.2% (1059/1447) were rural residents, 53.2% (563/1059) were rural residents, and 66.5% (258/388) were urban residents. The difference between the two was highly significant (P <0.01). The positive rates of PPD from different regions were as follows: Northeast China> East China> South China> North China> Southwest China> Northwest China. The differences among them were significant, with northeast trainees accounting for 79.2% (183/231) The positive rate of PPD was 50.5% (274/543) in the first year, which was significantly higher than 60.1% (322/536) in the second year and 60.9% (173/284) in the third year, while the second No difference between the three school years. The results suggest that the highest natural infection rate of students in the first academic year, prevention and treatment of tuberculosis should focus on the first school year.
Objective:To survey the prevalence severe diarrhea arising from these bacteria in children under 5 years old in Marvdasht.Methods:In this study faecal sample fr
1、病情摘要: 患者,男性,73岁,离休干部。有青霉素过敏史,有甲亢病史。患者因乏力、消瘦、低热三周而于2001年9月10日入院,初步诊断:发热待查。碘过敏试验阴性。9月28日8点30分,患者
为了加强全军药材供应管理工作 ,总后勤部于 1 997年 1 0月下发了《关于加强军队药材供应管理的意见》。随后 ,总后卫生部下发了关于贯彻落实该文件精神的通知。为了统一对军