
来源 :旅游纵览(下半月) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xypcs
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地处甘肃西部河西走廊的山丹县拥有独特的自然景观、悠久的历史和深厚的文化底蕴。近年来,山丹旅游业蓬勃发展。通过系统梳理山丹文化旅游资源,结合甘肃“华夏文明传承创新区”建设,按照资源——产品路径,建议创建农耕文化园区、移民文化园区、草原文化园区和军事文化园区,促使山丹文化资源与旅游产业深度融合,进而带动地方经济快速发展。 Shandan County, located in the western Hexi Corridor of Gansu Province, has a unique natural landscape, a long history and profound cultural heritage. In recent years, tourism in Shandan has been booming. Through systematically combing the tourism resources of the Shandan culture and combining with the construction of the “Huaxia Civilization Inheritance and Innovation Zone” in Gansu Province, it is suggested to create agro-cultural park, immigrant cultural park, prairie cultural park and military cultural park according to the resource-product path, The depth of integration of cultural resources and tourism industry, and thus promote the rapid development of local economy.
张宝蕊老师是美国超个人心理学博士,超个人心理学家,现任中美精神心理研究所教授,武汉心斋高级顾问,武汉幼儿全人教育辅导中心创办人。张宝蕊老师和先生李绍崑教授创办的中美精神研究所,带领不同的学者专家互访,近年做了很多文化交流的工作。自1992年开始,每一年他们都在国内的各地方讲公益课。以下为张宝蕊老师对公益的精彩解读。  吴:在您心中,公益是什么,会给社会带来什么?  张:公益的话,对我来说,可以从宏