一提到世界影坛上那些最卖座的电影明星,影迷们就会想到施瓦辛格、史泰龙、汤姆·克鲁斯或汤姆·汉克斯,实际上他们都不是票房价值最高的影星,票房价值最高的影星是其貌不扬、名声尚不显赫的杰夫·戈德布卢姆,此君出演过三部疯狂卖座的影片:《侏罗纪公园》、《独立日》以及刚刚推出的《失落的世界》。 失落的世界》是《侏罗纪公园》的续集,仍由好莱坞奇才斯皮尔伯格执导,杰夫·戈德布卢姆再度扮演科学家伊恩·马尔科姆,他来到一个被用作恐龙喂养基地的海岛,在那儿遇到许多奇怪的事情。另一方面,一家生物技术公司则准备偷走恐龙蛋与侏罗纪公园。
When it comes to the best-selling movie stars in the world, fans think of Schwarzenegger, Stallone, Tom Cruise or Tom Hanks. Actually, they are not the box office stars, box office The most influential movie star is Jeffrey Goldblum, a distinguished and unnamed star who starred in three crazy blockbuster films: Jurassic Park, Independence Day and the recently launched Lost World “. The Lost World, ”a sequel to“ Jurassic Park, ”still directed by Spielberg, the Hollywood Wizards, once again playing the role of scientist Ian Malcolm, who came to be used as a dinosaur Feeding the island of the base, there are many strange things encountered. On the other hand, a biotech company is going to steal dinosaur eggs and Jurassic Park.