安徽省东关水泥厂在转换经营机制过程中,抓住《条例》所赋予企业的14项权力,逐步建立了一套行之有效的企业内部运行机制,产品的销售市场不断扩大,经济效益明显提高。 做法之一:调整经营战略,强化开拓经营,建立务实的经营机制。 转换经营机制,把企业推向了市场,东关水泥厂充分行使产品定价权、产品销售权、物资采购权和生产经营决策权,审时度势,调整战略,开拓经营。 充分用足投资决策权,形成规模经济。该厂原先只有两台机械化立窑水泥生产线。但工厂不满足于此,他们抓住机遇,采用企业职工入股集资的方式,增建一条机械化立窑,使水泥产量从20万吨增至50万吨,规模经济为企业带来了较好的经济效益。东关水泥厂现在形成了既有国家所有的老立窑线,又有合资经营的旋窑线,还有职工合股经营的三号机窑的经营模式。
In the process of transforming the operating mechanism, the Dongguan Dongguan Cement Plant seized the 14 powers granted to them by the “Regulations” and gradually established a set of effective internal operating mechanisms for the company. improve. One of the practices is to adjust the business strategy, strengthen the development of operations, and establish a pragmatic operating mechanism. The transformation of the operating mechanism has pushed the company to the market. Dongguan Cement Factory has fully exercised the pricing power of products, the right to sell products, the right to purchase materials and the decision-making power of production and operation, review the situation, adjust the strategy, and expand operations. Full use of investment decision-making power, the formation of economies of scale. The plant originally had only two mechanized shaft kiln cement production lines. However, the factory was not satisfied with this. They seized the opportunity to increase the construction of a mechanized shaft kiln by increasing the cement production from 200,000 tons to 500,000 tons. The economies of scale had brought about better results for enterprises. Economic benefits. Dongguan Cement Factory now has established a state-owned old vertical kiln line, a joint-operated rotary kiln line, and a business model of the No. 3 kiln operated by employees.