小儿渗出性中耳炎的一种特殊表现是中耳膨胀不全。典型者鼓膜变薄,如湿纸样。说明是中耳和咽鼓管的病变。中耳膨胀不全的发病时间、病程和转归等有些问题尚不太清楚:(1)此种病变是否与渗出性中耳炎的慢性过程有关?在此过程的哪一阶段发病?(2)此种病变的鼓膜变化是否可以恢复?其中不可恢复的有多少?(3)有无合并症?尤其是有无合并胆脂瘤的可能性?(4)怎样治疗可取得疗效? 作者们把中耳膨胀不全按鼓膜内陷的程度分为四度:鼓膜与鼓岬粘连者为4度,无粘连者为3度,鼓膜与砧骨接触者为2度,鼓膜只有内陷
A special manifestation of infantile exudative otitis media is the expansion of the middle ear. Typical tympanic membrane thinning, such as wet paper. Description of the middle ear and eustachian tube lesions. It is unclear whether the onset, course, or outcome of the middle ear dilatation is incomplete or not: (1) is the lesion associated with the chronic process of exudative otitis media, and at what stage of the process? (2) Whether the change of the tympanic membrane of the disease can be restored? Which of the non-recoverable? (3) Whether there is comorbidity? Especially with or without the possibility of cholesteatoma? (4) How to treat can be effective? Incomplete expansion according to the degree of tympanic membrane retraction is divided into four degrees: tympanic and drum promontory adhesion was 4 degrees, 3 degrees without adhesion, tympanic and incus contact was 2 degrees, the tympanic membrane only invagination