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  DC漫画公司(DC Comics)与漫威漫画公司(Marvel Comics)是美漫界齐名的双巨头。创建于1934年的DC漫画在1938年创作出世界上第一位超级英雄——超人,美国漫画时代由此开启。1939年,DC打造出世界上第一位没有超能力的超级英雄——蝙蝠侠。作为DC的招牌角色,超人和蝙蝠侠各自拥有自己的连载漫画,也开始了长期搭档的合作关系,并多次帮助DC走出经营困境,重铸辉煌。1969年,DC被时代华纳集团收购,目前旗下拥有超人、蝙蝠侠、神奇女侠、闪电侠、绿灯侠、绿箭侠等超级英雄和正义联盟、少年泰坦等超级英雄团队。
  漫威漫画(一度译作“惊奇漫画”)创立于1939年,在1941年创作出美国队长的漫画形象,该形象大受欢迎,让漫威从此得以与DC分庭抗礼。1941年,斯坦·李(Stan Lee)加入公司担任编辑和主笔,他创造了80%的知名角色,被尊为美漫界龙头老大。2008年,漫威被迪士尼公司收购,目前旗下拥有美国队长、蜘蛛侠、钢铁侠、雷神托尔、绿巨人、金刚狼等超级英雄和复仇者联盟、神奇四侠、X战警、银河护卫队等超级英雄团队。
  Warner Bros. hasn’t had a great summer. Box office 1)flops like Blended and Transcendence left the entertainment giant 2)trailing its competitors.
  In fact, the Los Angeles Times points out the studio is in third place in domestic box-office share, unfamiliar territory, as it placed in first and second in nine of the past 10 years.
  It has 3)fielded a couple big hits this past year: The Lego Movie, starring Chris Pratt, standing out as something of an unexpected 4)cash cow. But now it’s looking to go more in the direction of another unexpected big hit Pratt starred in this summer, Marvel’s Guardians of the Galaxy.

  Warner Bros. is getting into comic book movies in a big way, announcing plans for 10 new movies over the next six years, all centering around its subsidiary DC Comics. Those films range from 2016’s Batman vs. Superman: Dawn of Justice, which will star Ben Affleck and Henry Cavill in the 5)titular roles, to 2020’s Cyborg, which will feature a more obscure character. Those plans have clearly been in the works for a while, but to the casual observer it definitely looks like Warner Bros. has taken a cue from its competitor Disney’s success with Marvel properties, even obscure ones like Guardians.
  But there are some key differences—while Disney and Marvel continue to turn to obscure properties like the upcoming Big Hero 6, based on a comic book about teenage Japanese superheroes, Warner Bros. is starting with known franchises.
  And even if one or two of the 10 planned movies fail, a writer for Forbes argues it’s not a big a deal: Unlike Marvel, Warner Bros. has other lucrative franchises it can turn to, like Lego—with more movies in the works—and the Harry Potter Universe, which is diving back into in 2016.
  Either way, we won’t actually get to see any of the new Warner Bros. superhero movies for at least another year, with Batman vs. Superman 6)slated to launch in March of 2016.
Tell me, tell me that you want me  And I’ll be yours completely, for better or for worse  I know we’ll have our disagreements  Be fighting for no reason, I wouldn’t change it 1)for the world  ’Cause I
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hen my father was slowly progressing through the phases of a terminal illness, as a final legacy he revealed to me a sequence of nine extraordinary wealthbuilding steps he nicknamed “The nine insights
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Reporter: Believing that money distorts our relationships with the natural world and with one another, Mark Boyle set out to live for a full year without making any use of money at all. A year later,