着力“四类服务” 推动福利机构转型

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改革开放以来,儿童福利机构的“三个转变”、即由救济型向福利型转变、供养型向“养、治、教、康”型转变、封闭型向开放型转变,取得了明显成效,有效维护了孤残儿童的基本权益,但是随着新形势发展需要,需要新的发展模式来指导儿童福利机构转型。浙江省民政厅在实践过程中着力探索服务理念、服务对象、服务内容、服务方式等方面进行转型和创新、一切设计遵循“四类服务”的内涵,为儿童福利机构进一步转型提供了有效参考路径。 Since the reform and opening up, the “three transformations” of child welfare agencies have shifted from relief-oriented to welfare-oriented and supportive to “support, governance, education and health”, from closed to open, It has achieved remarkable results and effectively protected the basic rights and interests of orphans and disabled children. However, with the development of the new situation, a new development model is needed to guide the transition of child welfare agencies. In the process of practice, Zhejiang Provincial Department of Civil Affairs focused on exploring the transformation and innovation of service concept, service targets, service contents and service methods, and all the designs followed the connotation of “four types of services”, which provided effective support for the further transformation of child welfare institutions Reference path.
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