一、与父母生离死别 毛岸英1922年10月24日出生于长沙清水塘,毛岸青1923年11月13日出生于长沙东乡板仓,毛岸龙1927年4月4日出生于武汉。毛岸龙出生后第8天,蒋介石在上海发动“四·一二”反革命政变。这时期毛泽东、杨开慧带着3个孩子和保姆陈玉英住在武昌都府堤41号。7月15日汪精卫集团“分共”叛变后,共产党人全部转入地下。8月7日,毛泽东在汉口秘密参加了中共中央召开的紧急会议。会后第5天毛泽东即以中共中央特派员身份从武汉动身赴长沙,准备领导湘赣边界
First, the death of parents and parents do not leave Mao Anying October 24, 1922 was born in Changsha, Qingshuitang, Mao Anqing November 13, 1923 was born in Changsha Dongxiang Bancang, Mahone Dragon April 4, 1927 was born in Wuhan. On the 8th day after Mao Long was born, Chiang Kai-shek launched the “April 12” counter-revolutionary coup in Shanghai. During this period, Mao Zedong and Yang Kaihui lived with 41 children and nanny Chen Yuying at No. 41, Le Dudu, Wuchang. On July 15, after Wang Jingwei’s “sub-communist” betrayal, all the Communists went underground. On August 7, Mao Zedong secretly participated in an emergency meeting held by the CPC Central Committee in Hankou. On the 5th day after the meeting, Mao Zedong went to Wuhan from Wuhan as his own special correspondent and planned to lead the border with Hunan and Jiangxi