从 1 995年开始 ,杭州市交通局对港航管理体制进行重大改革 :第一步 ,1 995年实现政企分开 ,按照“产权清晰、权责明确、政企分开、管理科学”的要求进行改革 ,杭州港埠公司和钱江港埠公司与杭州港务管理处脱钩 ,两港埠企业与市局三大航运企业合并成立杭州市港航实业总公司 ,使
Since 1995, Hangzhou Bureau of Transportation has carried out major reforms on the management system of the port of entry into Hong Kong. The first step was the separation of government from enterprises in 1995. In accordance with the requirements of “clear property rights, clear powers and responsibilities, separation of government from enterprises and management science” Reform, Hangzhou Port Company and Qianjiang Port Company and Hangzhou Port Administration Department were decoupled. The two port enterprises and the Municipal Bureau of the three major shipping companies merged to form Hangzhou Port and Shipping Corporation