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   Last week was the most extraordinary week in Warren Buffett’s history-but he lived his business life as if this was the most normal time in the world.
   As Buffett announced today, he was diagnosed with Stage I prostate cancer last Wednesday, after a biopsy the previous day. On Thursday he had a CAT scan and bone scan, with these showing that the cancer had not spread elsewhere in his body.
   On that same Thursday, he and a small group had dinner with his non-cousin, entertainer Jimmy Buffett, at a new Omaha restaurant called J.Coco’s. Jimmy was in town for a performance two days later.
   The following day-Friday-Buffett, the elder, was host to 160 business students from such universities as MIT, University of Chicago, University of Tennessee, and Peru’s Universidad del Pacifico. Following the usual routine for such visits (there are six scheduled for this school year)the students toured two Berkshire retail subsidiaries, held a two-and-a-half hour Q
【摘 要】  英语课程是学校教学的重要组成部分之一,高中的教学随着课程改革的推进,各种新颖的教学方法陆续出现在教学中。高中的英语课程逐渐与人们的生活方式挂钩,情境教学法培养学生灵活的运用英语到生活中去,更好地进行学习和人际交往,英语水平的不断提高有助于学生找到自己理想的工作。  【关键词】  情境教学 高中英语 语法教学  英语是一门外语,是世界通用的语言,由此可见英语课程的重要性。英语中最能体现
A devoted father has completed a triathlon carrying his 13-year-old cerebral palsy afflicted daughter across land and through water so that she could complete the gruelling event.  Rick van Beek’s fea
说到世界上观赏野生动物最好的地方,也许你会马上联想到非洲。下面我们跟随记者的脚步来到非洲第一站——南非首都约翰内斯堡。  The Long Journey漫长的旅途  Leaving Victoria, on September, 2014, we had a long trip ahead on our wonderful adventure. I love animals of all kin
童话里都是骗人的,但我们可以从童话中获得生活的启示。想要从此过上幸福的生活,就要从现在开始过好每一天,幸福就是活在当下!   It was many years ago. I was a young dad sitting on the couch reading a fairy tale to my little girl. She sat next to me with her head o
A Chinese porcelain manufacturing company had won the order to make the official tableware to be used at the British royal wedding of Prince William and Princess Kate Middleton.   Guangxi Sanhuan Gro
父爱是沉静的,它是冷了时候的一杯热水,是热的时候的一把蒲扇,是在你一脸骄傲等待夸奖时一句不痛不痒的问候。但其实,父爱也是热烈的,它如同冬日的暖阳,温暖你,照亮你,给你动力,助你前行。   Recently, a picture of a soaking wet father holding an umbrella for his son in a New York street has been
春节期间,大街小巷都洋溢着节日的欢乐气息。现在同学们或许正在忙着过年:置办年货、包饺子、贴春联、放鞭炮,当然也少不了满口“猪年大吉”“豬年快乐”地走亲戚。那么你知道十二生肖用英语怎么表达吗?一知半解?那就来围观学习一下吧!   “十二生肖”在英语中用“the Chinese Zodiac”表示。“Zodiac”一词来自希腊语“zodiakos”(动物园),在希腊人眼中,星座是由各种不同的动物形成
杞人憂天   In the Spring and Autumn Period, in the State of Qi there was a man who always let his imagination run away with him.   One day he even worried that the sky would fall on his head. He was so
低龄留学趋势在国内愈演愈烈。然而,在出国读高中学生比例节节攀升的背后,还有一个趋势值得关注,那就是,越来越多的小留学生在国外出现“水土不服”,在国外读了一段时间之后又回到国内,以继续升学之路。小留学生为何选择“回流”?家长如何避免出现这种情况?   小留学生频发“水土不服”   留学低龄化在国内已愈演愈烈。数据显示,与2012年相比,2015年在国内读完高中课程再出国读大学的学生比例从61%下
香甜美味的巧克力你愛吗?如果你爱,那你一定不能错过这篇文章。本期我们为大家介绍十大巧克力爱好者的胜地。看完你会想立刻尝一块巧克力解解馋。   Cologne, Germang  The chocolate capital of Germany, Cologne is the home of the Stollwerck chocolate company. For the 150th an ni