中国共产党诞生70周年了。在这光荣而伟大的节日到来的时刻,我们向战斗在金融战线上的共产党员表示慰问和热烈的祝贺! 我们党经过七十年的光辉战斗历程,运用马列主义基本原理同中国具体实际相结合,在长期的革命斗争和社会主义建设中,克服了一个又一个的艰难险阻,取得了一个又一个的胜利,特别是过去的十年改革取得了辉煌成就,这是举世瞩目的。金融战线和全国各条战线一样,在以邓小平同志为核心的第二代和以江泽民同志为核心的第三代党中央领导下,正确地贯彻执行了党的路线和方针政策,在筹措资金,支持生产发展,抑制通货膨胀,稳
The 70th anniversary of the birth of the Chinese Communist Party. At this moment of glory and great festivality, we express our condolences and warm congratulations to the Communists who fought on the financial front. After seventy years of glorious fighting history, our party has used the basic principles of Marxism-Leninism to combine with China’s concrete reality In the long-term revolutionary struggle and socialist construction, they have overcome one after another the difficulties and obstacles and won victories one after another. In particular, the past ten years have witnessed brilliant achievements in the reform. This has attracted world-wide attention. Under the leadership of the second generation with Comrade Deng Xiaoping as the core and the third generation of the Party Central Committee with Comrade Jiang Zemin at the core as the core, the financial front has correctly implemented the party’s line, guidelines and policies, Support the development of production, curb inflation and stabilize