应用Monte Carlo数值模拟,计算了NaI、BGO和LaBr_3晶体探测器对0.662 MeV和6.13 MeVγ射线的能量沉积谱,对比了不同能量γ射线的能量沉积谱和响应函数,分析了晶体尺寸对能量沉积谱的影响。计算结果表明,在低能段,晶体长度和直径对BGO晶体探测效率影响均大于NaI和LaBr_3晶体;晶体直径对探测效率的影响大于晶体长度。在γ射线高能段,晶体长度和直径对三种探测器探测效率的影响较小;晶体直径对探测效率的影响小于晶体长度。BGO晶体探测器在γ射线低能段的全能峰和反散射峰强度及在γ射线高能段的光电峰和第一逃逸峰强度均最大,探测效率最高。
The energy deposition spectra of 0.662 MeV and 6.13 MeVγ-rays from NaI, BGO and LaBr_3 crystal detectors were calculated by Monte Carlo numerical simulation. The energy deposition spectra and response functions of different energy γ-rays were compared. The influence of crystal size on energy deposition spectra Impact. The calculated results show that the crystal length and diameter affect the detection efficiency of BGO crystal more than that of NaI and LaBr_3 in the low energy range. The influence of crystal diameter on the detection efficiency is larger than the crystal length. In the γ-ray energy section, the crystal length and diameter have little effect on the detection efficiency of the three detectors; the influence of the crystal diameter on the detection efficiency is less than the crystal length. BGO crystal detector in the γ-ray low-energy segment of the all-powerful peak and backscattering peak intensity in the γ-ray high energy section of the photoelectric peak and the first escape peak intensity are the highest, the highest detection efficiency.