Dynamic Modeling and Motion Simulation for A Winged Hybrid-Driven Underwater Glider

来源 :China Ocean Engineering | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:star2006111
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PETREL,a winged hybrid-driven underwater glider is a novel and practical marine survey platform which combines the features of legacy underwater glider and conventional AUV (autonomous underwater vehicle).It can be treated as a multi-rigid-body system with a floating base and a particular hydrodynamic profile.In this paper,theorems on linear and angular momentum are used to establish the dynamic equations of motion of each rigid body and the effect of translational and rotational motion of internal masses on the attitude control are taken into consideration.In addition,due to the unique external shape with fixed wings and deflectable rudders and the dual-drive operation in thrust and glide modes,the approaches of building dynamic model of conventional AUV and hydrodynamic model of submarine are introduced,and the tailored dynamic equations of the hybrid glider are formulated.Moreover,the behaviors of motion in glide and thrust operation are analyzed based on the simulation and the feasibility of the dynamic model is validated by data from lake field trials. PETREL, a winged hybrid-driven underwater glider is a novel and practical marine survey platform which combines the features of legacy underwater glider and conventional AUV (autonomous underwater vehicle). It can be treated as a multi-rigid-body system with a floating base and a particular hydrodynamic profile.In this paper, theorems on linear and angular momentum are used to establish the dynamic equations of motion of each rigid body and the effect of translational and rotational motion of internal masses on the attitude control are taken into consideration. addition, due to the unique external shape with fixed wings and deflectable rudders and the dual-drive operation in thrust and glide modes, the approaches of building dynamic model of conventional AUV and hydrodynamic model of submarine are introduced, and the tailored dynamic equations of the hybrid glider are formulated. Moreover, the behaviors of motion in glide and thrust operations are analyzed based on the simulation and the feas ibility of the dynamic model is validated by data from lake field trials.
程金海是行动上的革新派,言语上的保守派。  程金海平素所言甚少,这在很大程度上并非因为他的不健谈,而是他选择用艺术的语言来与这个世界交流。他的“我行我素”和“一意孤行”,并非出自中国文人固有的“酸腐”与“孤傲”,而是他看穿名利之后内心领悟出众生平等的世界观。  人的行为可以伪装,但是画面却无法欺骗任何人。于是,我们从程金海的画作中看到了他的诚实,这也是山东大汉素有的品格。1961年出生的程金海已过
在使用 PGCEVD (Poisson-Gumbel 复合的极端值分发) 当模特儿计算台风波浪高度的返回值,阀值的量的选择堵住了它的申请。由分析 PGCEVD 模型并且在变化的联合的阀值选择的原则
A 3D,时间依赖者, baroclinic,水动力学和咸度模型被实现并且在华东海适用于 Oujiang 河河口系统。模型被从 Oujiang 河沿着开的边界和淡水流入强迫潮汐的举起驾驶。底部磨擦系