新疆落叶松(Larix sibirica Ledeb)是我区主要用材树种之一,其面积约占山区森林面积的40%,主要分布于阿尔泰山山区,其次是天山东部的巴尔库山和哈尔雷克山。据已有资料,阿山山区新疆落叶松(下称阿山落叶松),占该地区森林总蓄积量8076万立方米的79%,是我区木材供应的主要基地之一,近几年来,年采伐量为自治区木材生产的20—25%。正在重点开发的阿山林区的落叶松,对缓和木材供需矛盾起到了应有的作用。因此,如何合
Larix sibirica Ledeb is one of the main timber species in our region. Its area accounts for about 40% of the forest area in the mountainous area, mainly distributed in the Altai Mountains, followed by the Balku and Hallek mountains in the eastern Tianshan Mountains . According to the available data, the larch of Alashan Mountain in Xinjiang (hereinafter referred to as Alashan) occupies 79% of the total volume of 80.76 million cubic meters of forest in the area, which is one of the main bases for timber supply in our region. In recent years, The amount of timber production in the autonomous region of 20-25%. The larch that is under development in A Shanlin area has played a due role in alleviating the contradiction between supply and demand of timber. So how do you get together?