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著名的革命老区——上杭,是个山区县。近年来,不断加大国有企业改革力度,大量职工下岗失业,据统计,截止到2001年底,全县城镇各类失业人员达到2506人,城镇登记失业率达到6.8%,与1998年相比高出了近三个百分点,超过历史最高纪录,就业形势相当严峻。为了扩大劳动就业、改善人民生活、促进社会稳定,上杭通过开展“发展环境建设年”等活动,为企业和投资者创造宽松的发展环境,同时,通过建立工业园区、工业开发区和科技园区的形式,大力发展非公有制企业,培育新的经济增长点,发展社区就业形式和钟点工、弹性工时等灵活的就业形式,拓宽劳务输出渠道,开发就业岗位,扩大就业规模,取得了突出成效。2001年至今,全县安置城镇就业2097人,帮助各类下岗失业职工实现再就业2086人,再就业率69.6%,到目前城镇登记失业率回落了1.5个百分点为5.3%。一大批三资、个私企业落户上杭南岗工业园区及南阳工业开发区,吸纳了1万余名城乡劳动力就业,其中解决了3000多名城镇下岗失业人员的就业问题。在实现就业和再就业的人员中,80%以上是通过自谋职业从事个体经济,或是在非公有制经济,或是通过劳务输出实现的。由于就业环境宽松,政策优惠,许多下岗失业人员积极主动通过自谋职业实现再就业。 The famous revolutionary old district - Shanghang, is a mountain county. In recent years, the reform of state-owned enterprises has been stepped up with a large number of laid-off workers laid off. According to statistics, by the end of 2001, the number of all kinds of unemployed persons in cities and towns in the county has reached 2506 and the registered unemployment rate in urban areas has reached 6.8%, up from 1998 Nearly three percentage points, more than the highest record in history, the employment situation is quite serious. In order to expand employment, improve people's lives and promote social stability, Shanghang has created a relaxed environment for development for enterprises and investors through such activities as the “Year of Environment Construction”, and at the same time, through establishing industrial parks, industrial development zones and Tech parks, developing non-public-owned enterprises, fostering new economic growth points, developing flexible employment forms such as community employment, hourly working hours and flexible working hours, broadening labor service export channels, developing jobs and expanding the employment scale with outstanding achievements . Since 2001, 2,097 people have been employed in cities and towns in the entire county to help 2,086 unemployed workers of all kinds get 2086 re-employed and the reemployment rate is 69.6%. At present, the registered unemployment rate in urban areas has dropped by 1.5% to 5.3%. A large number of foreign-funded and self-employed enterprises settled in Nangang Industrial Park in Shanghang and Nanyang Industrial Development Zone, absorbing more than 10,000 workforce from urban and rural areas, including the employment of more than 3,000 laid-off and unemployed workers in cities and towns. More than 80% of the employed and reemployed people are engaged in self-employment in the self-employed economy, either in the non-public ownership economy or through the export of labor services. Due to the relaxed employment environment and preferential policies, many laid-off workers are actively seeking re-employment through self-employment.
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