When everyone gets sick or enters a hospital, emotions change, such as fear, anxiety, hope, and so on. A person restricted to bed by hospitalization often makes him feel like a child, often subconsciously showing childishness. At the United States, Westing University and all nursing schools attach great importance to social psychology education in nursing. The school seeks to train students to pay attention to and discover the emotional changes and reactions experienced by patients, and how to help these patients to overcome the adverse psychological reactions caused by their emotional changes. This is part of the social-psychology nursing tutorial and how we do it. From nursing social psychology first class, the teacher encouraged the students to see the patient as a family, joy and personality as a whole. In the hospital, all patients need to be seen as individuals with needs, fears, thoughts and hobbies. Therefore, their needs need to be estimated. In addition to assessing the physiological needs, there is also a need for socio-psychological assessment. Nursing students use what they have learned in class to ask questions about their patients so they can be observed and identified. Nurse to ask