高等教育是大学生从学校生活向社会生活过度的一个重要环节,在大学生生活中,学生的人生观、价值观以及各种生存技能都需要快速作出调整以适应社会的需要。学习是大学生活的头等任务,而学生对学习方法的认知与使用,关系到他们学业的成功,职业的发展和社会化程度。为此天津中医药大学对400名刚走入校门中药学院中药学、中药制剂、中药资源与开发、中药制药、药学、中药制药工程专业大学生进行了问卷调研,旨在调查分析新生对学习概念和方法的认知状况并提出教育对策。“,”Higher education is an important step for col ege students.In the col ege life, student need to change their outlook on life, values and various survival skil s quickly to meet the needs of the society. Learning is the most important task in col ege life , Students' cognition and usage about the learning method related to students' academic success, occupation development and social change In their next life . This questionnaire is for 400 newly enrol ed students, they include the students of Traditional Chinese Medicine of pharmacy, medicine, Chinese medicine resources and professional development professional, pharmaceutical professional, pharmacy, pharmaceutical engineering specialty in Tianjin University of Traditional Chinese Medicine. The purpose of this study is to analysis cognitive status about new undergraduates' learning method and put forward the countermeasure of Education.