“你漂亮,你多拿”——WTA(世界职业女子网球协会)正以实际行动实施着这句推广词。英国作家沃特海姆披露,WTA 为了增加卖点,有意论“姿”排辈,私下往美女口袋里多塞“作秀费”,数量的多少当然与漂亮的程度成正比。网球报道方面的权威沃特海姆日前出版了新书《维纳斯的嫉妒》,书中披露,根据规定,选手出场费的多少是要根据选手的公开排名决定的,但 WTA 的官员在实际操作中,却私自列出了一份见不得人的“出场费排行榜”,并根据这份排行榜来支付出场费。在这份排行榜
“You’re beautiful, you take more.” - The WTA (World Association of Professional Women’s Tennis) is putting this word out in action. British writer Wertheim disclosed that the WTA in order to increase selling point, deliberately “pose” senior, privately to the beauty pocket Dossey “show fees”, the number of course is proportional to the degree of pretty. Authorities on tennis coverage Recently, Wattheim published a new book, “Envy of Venus,” which revealed that according to the rules, the number of players’ appearance fees is based on the player’s public rankings. However, , But privately listed a seemingly unpopular “appearance fee list”, and according to the leaderboard to pay the appearance fee. In this list