如果没有查尔斯·固特异(Charles Goodyear)发明的“硫化橡胶”,所有的汽车也只能在春秋两季行驶。因为轮胎会在冬天变得又脆又硬,在夏天又粘又软。固特异因为他的发明,所以成为世界汽车业的功臣。当年以他为榜样创立的固特异轮胎与橡胶公司(Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company)为无数汽车装上了既耐酷暑,又耐严寒的固特异轮胎。在2004年《财富》全球500强排行榜上,固特异轮胎与橡胶公司排第358位。
Without the “vulcanized rubber” invented by Charles Goodyear, all cars could only run in spring and autumn. Because the tire will become brittle and hard in the winter, sticky and soft in the summer. Goodyear because of his invention, so became the hero of the world automobile industry. The Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company, founded by him as an example, loaded countless cars with Goodyear tires that were both very hot and cold. Goodyear Tire & Rubber ranked 358th on Fortune Global 500 in 2004.