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楹联即对联,又称对于,其类别可达数十种之多,而名胜楹联只是其中一小类。顾名思义,名胜楹联即为名胜地撰写的对联,它有广狭之分。狭义名胜联仅指著名风景地的对联。广义名胜联包括著名风景地、历史文化古迹的对联。这样,广义名胜联就包括胜迹联、园林联、庙宇联、刹寺联,以及某些会馆、戏台、亭院等地的对联。我们这里说的名胜楹联,指的是广义的名胜联。 Couplets that couplet, also known as, its category up to dozens of species, and couplets is only one of the major categories. As the name suggests, the name couplets is the couplet that is written by famous places. It has a wide range of points. Narrow sense of the name refers only to the famous scenic couplet. Broad sense of the name of the famous scenic spots, historical monuments couplet. In this way, the broad sense of the name of the couple, including Landmark, Garden Alliance, Temple Alliance, Temple Temple Alliance, as well as some clubs, stage, pavilions and other places couplets. Here we talk about the name couplets, refers to the broad sense of the name of the United.