既来则安,处之坦然 ——以支持性心理治疗直面第三状态 陷于第三状态之后的大学生往往产生“牛困枯井,急欲解脱”的危机感。这本身就对当事人构成新的危害——一是坐立不安,愁眉不展;二是多方求医,灰心丧气;三是症侯放大,自我惊吓;四是生理失调,自乱阵脚。支持性心理治疗就是通过解释、鼓励、协助、指导等方式,突破危机,稳定情绪,从而为后继的心理治疗营造良好的心理起点。 相信我们易于在如下三方面达成共识:
It has always been safe, calm - With supportive psychological treatment Faced with the third state in the third state after the students often have a “cow trapped, anxious to release” sense of crisis. This in itself constitutes a new endanger the parties - First, restless, frowning; Second, multi-seeking treatment, frustrated; Third, Hou Hou magnified, self-scared; Fourth, physical disorders, self-chaos. Supportive psychotherapy is to break through the crisis and stabilize emotions by means of explaining, encouraging, assisting and guiding so as to create a good psychological starting point for the subsequent psychotherapy. I believe we can easily reach consensus in the following three areas: