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上海动车段前身是上海车辆房,建于清光绪三十年(1904年),属上海机车厂管辖。1949年11月,正式成立上海检车段。1951年9月,更名为上海车辆段。1953年1月,上海车辆段一分为二,成立上海车辆客修段和上海车辆货修段,上海车辆客修段成为专一负责客车检修的车辆段。1963年1月,上海车辆客修段改名为上海车辆段。2005年5月至2006年3月21日,随着路局生产力布局调整,上海车辆段相继合并昆山客车空调设备大修段、杭州车辆段。2009年6月30日,与上海动车基地重组整合更名为上海动车 Shanghai Motor Depot is the predecessor of Shanghai Vehicle Room, built in the Guangxu thirty years (1904), a locomotive factory in Shanghai jurisdiction. November 1949, the formal establishment of Shanghai seized the car. September 1951, changed its name to the Shanghai depot. In January 1953, the Shanghai Depot was split into two parts, the Shanghai Vehicle Refuge Section and the Shanghai Vehicle Fret Jacket were established, and the Shanghai Vehicle Reflecting Section became the depot dedicated to the passenger vehicle overhaul. January 1963, Shanghai Automotive passenger repair section was renamed the Shanghai depot. From May 2005 to March 21, 2006, with the adjustment of layout of productive forces in the bureau, the depot of the Shanghai section of automobiles was successively merged with the overhaul section of Kunshan passenger air-conditioners and Hangzhou Depot. June 30, 2009, with the restructuring of Shanghai Motor Vehicle Base renamed the Shanghai motor car
2007年,我们利用莱阳市淡水养殖试验场1、2号2个池塘进行了赤眼鳟成鱼养殖试验,池塘面积分别为2 000m~2(3亩)和3 333m~2(5亩),水深1.5~2m,池底淤泥20 cm左右,进排水方便。2007
兼语词组和主谓词组作句子成分时,两者句式很相似,容易混淆,应仔细推敲,加以区别。例: 我们请马老师讲一个故事。我看到一个挑山工慢慢走过去。都是主谓句,每句都有两个作谓
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随着G6系列三轴机车产品种类的扩展,用户可选择最适合其特殊需要的机车,由于机车采用模块化设计,翻新和改造费用少,机车运营效率可进一步提高。 With the expansion of prod
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