2 要点剖析2.1 平面直角坐标系平面直角坐标系的建立把坐标平面分成四个象限,坐标轴是各象限的界限,坐标轴上的点不属于任何象限.2.2 特殊点的坐标特征(1)对称点:点 P(a,b)关于 x 轴对称的点为(a,-b),关于 y 轴的对称点为(-a,b),关于原点对称的
2 Analysis of Elements 2.1 Planar Cartesian Coordinate System Creating a Cartesian Coordinate System The coordinate plane is divided into four quadrants. The coordinate axis is the boundary of each quadrant. The points on the coordinate axis do not belong to any quadrant. 2.2 Coordinate Features of Special Points (1) Symmetry Point: The point P(a,b) is symmetric about the x axis (a,-b), and the symmetry point about the y axis is (-a,b), symmetrical about the origin