Magnesium is one of the most important elements in the body and is a multi-enzyme activator. Magnesium deficiency can affect the body’s functions of various systems, magnesium deficiency can make heart disease virulence factors increased, leading to serious arrhythmia, but also induced digitalis poisoning arrhythmia. Therefore, magnesium for some of the arrhythmia treatment available quick. This article reviews the related issues between magnesium and arrhythmia. First, the role of magnesium in myocardial cell function and survival Magnesium is an activator of many enzymes, which is extremely important for normal cells enzymatic process. Magnesium refers to myofibrillar ATP hydrolysis and coagulation of colloidal colloid and sarcoplasmic reticulum calcium release and binding. Magnesium stimulates oxidative phosphorylation in the heart mitochondria; effects of magnesium