Volvo(富豪),世界著名的汽车品牌,高档豪华轿车代表之一,真正打入中国汽车市场虽只是近两、三年的事,但却以不俗的销售业绩和独特的品牌魅力感召商贾名流。 2001年12月21日,Volvo(富豪)在深圳颇负盛名的五洲宾馆举办了主题为“Volvo献爱心,环保伴我行”大型慈善募捐活动,此间,本刊记者有幸采访了专程从北京赶来出席此次活动的Volvo(富豪)大中华区副总裁王荣祥先生,以及Volvo(富豪)中国代理商——深圳市中汽南方汽车发展有限公司总裁兼主席陈文沛先生,深深地为Volvo(富豪)的“关爱生命,享受主活”的经营理念所感染:Volvo(富豪)之所以成为世界汽车家族中的顶级,就是其致力于品牌文化经营和传播的结果。
Volvo, the world’s leading car brand, one of the representatives of luxury cars, the real car market into China, although only for nearly two or three years, but with impressive sales performance and unique brand appeal to charisma celebrities . On December 21, 2001, Volvo held a large-scale charitable fund-raising activity with the theme of “Volvo Dedicated to Love, Environmental Protection Accompanying Me” in the prestigious Wuzhou Hotel in Shenzhen. During this period, our correspondents had the pleasure of interviewing specially Mr. Wang Rongxiang, Vice President of Volvo Greater China, who came to Beijing to attend the event, and Mr. Chen Wenpei, President and Chairman of Volvo Regal China Ltd., the Chairman and Chairman of Shenzhen Zhongqi Nanfang Automobile Development Co., Ltd., (Regal) “love life, enjoy the main live” business philosophy is infected: Volvo (Volvo) has become the world’s top automotive family, is its commitment to brand management and dissemination of the results.