西部开发靠什么?学界有答称:比较优势和后发优势。西部有哪些比较优势?至少应该有:劳动成本优势、偏低地价优势和本土市场优势。这里,借“劳动成本优势”说点想法。 进入知识经济时代,以“肌肉为本钱”已被以“知识为本钱”所取代。高附加值产品的陆续登场,不仅使增长经济学关键词之一的“劳动力”变成了“人力资本”,而且也使急于赶超的发展中国家(或地区)热衷于引进高科技人才。于是,要让“孔雀往西飞”的豪言壮语和政策设计转眼间也成了媒体的热门了。
What is the development of the western region? The academics have said: Comparison of advantages and late-onset advantages. What are the comparative advantages of the west? At least there should be: labor cost advantage, low land price advantage and local market advantage. Here, by “labor cost advantage” to say something. Into the era of knowledge economy, “muscle-based” has been replaced by “knowledge-based”. The emergence of high value-added products has not only transformed “labor force”, one of the key words in growth economics, into “human capital,” but also eagerly brought in talented developing countries (or regions) keen to catch up with high-tech talent. Thus, to make “peacock fly west” rhetoric and policy design blink of an eye has also become a popular media.