“七·七”事变后,旅居日本的一部分华侨毅然返回祖国,投入了轰轰烈烈的抗日救亡运动,还有一大部分华侨,在当时日本反动政府的法西斯统治下,在极端艰难和险恶的条件下同祖国人民一样,饱受苦难。一本文想对抗战全面爆之后,日本华侨的抗日活动和苦难遭遇作一简要的概述。一 1937年7月7日,日本帝国主义为了灭亡中国,悍然挑起“七·七”芦沟桥事变。这
After the Sept.7 Incident, some overseas Chinese residing in Japan decided to return to their motherland and put on a vigorous campaign of resisting Japanese aggression and saving their nation. Most of the overseas Chinese, under the fascist rule of the Japanese reactionary government at the time, were forced to join forces in the extremely difficult and sinister conditions Like the people of our motherland, they have suffered so much. After a full-scale explosion of the anti-Japanese war, the Japanese overseas Chinese made a brief overview of their anti-Japanese activities and suffering. On July 7, 1937, in order to destroy China, Japanese imperialists brazenly provoked the “July 7” Lugou Bridge incident. This